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Inhalants Rehab

Inhalants rehab (often drug rehab or just rehab) is an umbrella term for the processes of medical and/or psychotherapeutic treatment for dependency to addictive drugs. The general intent is to enable the patient to cease inhalants abuse, in order to avoid the psychological, legal, financial, social, and physical consequences that can be caused, especially by extreme abuse.

Inhalants rehab centers are often part of bigger mental health care centers. They offer the possibility to patients who have trouble kicking the habit at home, to do this under 'easier' circumstances. The addicts may not have enough motivation to quit in their home situation or they receive little support from the people around them to be treated within their home environment.

Receiving treatment in an inhalants rehab center offers an alcohol and drug free environment in which individual and group therapies can take place. Every clinic has its own methods of treatment, but in general much attention is given to the addicts themselves, the addicts in the group and counseling to return to the home situation. For a select few, it is not always necessary to go to a rehabilitation center to be treated for an addiction.

Inhalants rehab tends to address a stated twofold nature of drug dependency: physical and psychological dependency. Physical dependency involves a detoxification process to cope with withdrawal symptoms from regular use of a drug. With regular use of many drugs, legal or otherwise, the brain gradually adapts to the presence of the drug so that the desired effect is minimal. Apparently normal functioning of the user may be observed, despite being under the influence of the drug. This is how physical tolerance develops to drugs such as heroin, amphetamines, cocaine, nicotine or alcohol. It also explains why more of the drug is needed to get the same effect with regular use. The abrupt cessation of taking a drug (such as inhalants) can lead to withdrawal symptoms where the body may take weeks or months (depending on the drug involved) to return to normal. Psychological dependency is addressed in many inhalants rehab programs by attempting to teach the patient new methods of interacting in a drug-free environment. In particular, patients are generally encouraged or required not to associate with friends who still use the addictive substance.

Various types of programs offer help in inhalants rehab, including: residential treatment (in-patient), out-patient, local support groups, extended care centers, and sober houses. Many inhalants rehab centers offer part-time treatments, in which the person continues to live at home, but follows the therapy in the clinic during a large part of the week. Another possibility is to have treatments in an outpatients' department or ambulatory treatment, in which the patient also continues to live at home and receives treatment once a week, for example. How long one needs to stay in treatment depends on the person and may vary from several months to several years.

Many successful rehabilitation programs counter the validity of the "diseased person" model used within the drug rehab environment. Instead, they state that the individual person is entirely capable of rejecting previous behaviors. Further, they contend that the use of the disease model of addiction simply perpetuates the addicts' feelings of worthlessness, powerlessness, and inevitably causes inner conflicts that would be easily resolved if the addict were to approach addiction as simply behavior that is no longer productive, the same as childhood tantrums.

Traditional inhalants rehab is based primarily on counseling. However, recent discoveries have shown that those suffering from addiction often have chemical imbalances that make the recovery process more difficult. Often, these imbalances may be corrected through improved diet, nutritional supplements and leading a healthy lifestyle. Some of the more innovative inhalants rehab centers are now offering a "Biochemical Restoration" process to supplement the counseling portion of treatment.

Ecstasy is a manufactured drug, made out of several different chemicals made in labs hidden around the country.

Club drugs are popular to young adults because they are cheap and because of the effects that last for several hours.

Another way of taking club drugs is by liquid form, which can be easily concealed in eye drop containers, mini mouth wash bottles, and the drug mixed in with water or sports drink bottles.

Three in five young adults abusing ecstasy have reported having withdrawal symptoms.

Taking club drugs at raves do come with high price tags resulting in reckless behavior under the influence, addiction, and dangerous side effects. 

In 2008, 1.5% of the 10th grade population reported abusing meth at least once within that year.

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